Is your balance out of ‘SHAPE’?
Would you say you have found balance in your life? Are you still seeking it? Are you still searching for it?
Notice we didn’t mention ‘work-life balance’.
Balance, is something a lot more intricate and fluid. And being out of balance, is closely connected to stress and feeling overwhelmed.
Let’s look at what affects your balance.
Finite vs Infinite: The key to balance
Achieving Your balance is unique to you and your ever-changing situation. Balance in your life can change depending on what is happening. And in most of our lives, in any given moment, there is a lot happening all the same time.
You often start to feel out of balance when an area of your life changes with ambiguous or indefinite end points.
Finite change
When the school term begins. You decide that, in order for your child to get the most out school, you want to be available at home, so you choose to limit social media use, minimise social outings and don’t work any overtime so you can do school pick-ups. You’re happy as you anticipate the support you offer you child will help them to perform well. Most importantly, there is a clear and finite timeframe. Your changes have been made for 12 week’s only.
This change in balance, stems from a choice and is manageable because there is a clear end point.
Infinite change
Let us look at another scenario: You have been working for a new company. The workload has consistently been increasing, forcing you to stay late each night to keep up with the increased workload. At times you even work on weekends to try and get ahead. You start missing social events to keep up with the workload. You’re starting to feel isolated from your family and friends. And there isn’t a finish line that you can actually see.
This change in balance is not sustainable, it’s not manageable as there is no end point and no clear reward, sense of completion or perceived gain.
You’re at risk of severe burnout.
Being in control of change that can affect balance is the most important factor in how you cope.
That’s not to say, for example that during the 12-week term at school that it won’t be tough and challenging. However, there is an end point. You will walk away with a sense of fulfilment and completion, which is important from a confidence perspective.
Get your balance into ‘SHAPE’
There are five areas of your life that need to be in balance, all of which are inter-related for you to be in good SHAPE:
S - Safe
H - Health (physical, emotional and spiritual)
A - Achievement
P - Positive relationships
E - Earnings
You often feel like you can cope when one area is out of balance, but the tipping point starts to happen when two or more areas are out of balance.
So, how’s your balance?
S - Do you feel safe at home and work? NB: If in immediate danger, please contact the Police.
H - Are you spending the amount of time you want to exercise? Are you spending the time you want, with looking after your emotional health and spiritual health or mind? Are you feeling refreshed each morning? Are you nourishing your body with the right foods?
A - Are you achieving success at work, home and in the things you do?
P - Are you spending the amount of time you want with family, friends, partners, colleagues, within the community?
E - Are you receiving enough money to pay the bills, get by and perhaps save a little?
At Rose Phoenix Health, we collaborate with individuals to offer interventions that promote harmonious relationships at home and work and support with balance.
Feel free to connect with Valerie Judge at Rose Phoenix Health on 0478 129 135 to explore how we can best support you.